Friday, January 31, 2020

Demographic population change Essay Example for Free

Demographic population change Essay The population is constantly aging. The population will continue to increase over time because of elderly who have retired, have illnesses and disabilities. Some of the aging population will need long-term care, medical treatment, and in home care because of their medical conditions. Some of the aging population will also require medical care because many of them who are retired do not have health insurance from their jobs. Some elderly rely on Medicare or Medicaid to pay their medical expenses. There is also elderly who are living on a low or fixed income because they are receiving disability income. Therefore they cannot afford to pay for health insurance or prescriptions. Targeted population/demographics Due to the aging economy, the elderly is expected to increase. According to Weiner, M. J. Tilly, J. (2013) â€Å"Between 2000 and 2050, the number of older people is projected to increase by 135%. Moreover, the population aged 85 and over, which is the group most likely to need health and long-term care services, is projected to increase by 350%. Over this time period, the proportion of the population that is over the age of 65 will increase from 12. 7% in 2000 to 20. % in 2050; the proportion of the population that is age 85 and older will increase from 1. 6% in 2000 to 4. 8% in 2050. †(Para 2). The aging population will have a huge effect on health care because of the large amount of elderly who will need acute care. Also because there is a shortage of health care professionals such as nurses and other workers, many long- term care facilities are left with workers that do not have skills to perform their jobs correctly. Also the facilities are paying low rates making it hard to hire new employees and to keep old employees. According to Weiner, M. J. Tilly, J. (2013) â€Å"Unskilled paraprofessionals, who provide the bulk of long-term care services, are overwhelmingly women and disproportionately drawn from racial and ethnic minorities. Low wages and benefits, hard working conditions, heavy workloads and a job that has been stigmatized by society make worker recruitment and retention difficult. † (Para 6). Aging population effect on healthcare There are many elderly that will require treatment for illnesses such as heart disease, bone disorders and other health deficiencies. The ongoing care of patient’s is becoming very costly to health insurance companies as well as the patients. Because patient will need such a long time of managed care, Doctor will have to provide treatment for patients to learn how to manage their illness instead of providing cures. Most of the time when elderly patients have chronic illnesses, the illness can cause them to become disable causing them to require continued care in another facility, such as nursing homes, in home care, and adult day care, which can be longer care. Because the aging population will require long-term care health care cost will increase. The elderly patient that cannot afford to pay for their own medical expenses will have to rely on government funded programs, such as Medicaid. This will cause health care cost to rise because the government will have to pay for the long-term treatment. Also patients that rely on government programs to help pay for their medical expenses cannot afford to pay for their prescription drugs because medication is too expensive to treat chronic conditions. Therefore, they have government programs, such as prescription discount cards to help them pay for their prescriptions. Health care cost will also increase because when the aging population is faced with chronic conditions, there are healthcare organizations that offer wellness programs to help elderly patients get better. These wellness programs are not free. They take many different health insurance plans. Patients who cannot afford them can get help to pay for the program through government health insurance plans. However, because there are so many elderly patients that need well programs because they have chronic conditions, the government health insurance plans can take some time to acquire. Therefore, there are many of the aging population that do not have help and still is waiting on help from the government for health insurance. Although there are other health insurance companies that the elderly can qualify for, there are still requirements for them to become eligible. Some of the aging population is eligible for Medicare through disability. Even though people are covered through Medicare does not mean they do not need assistance. Medicare covers some medical expenses but does not cover dental, prescription drugs, or eyeglasses, leaving many of the aging population with large medical expenses. Sometimes it is difficult for older people to get insurance many of them go to the emergency room for care and many do not get care at all. Because of these types of situations, many older people have died or have medical bills that are so high they cannot afford to pay them. Marketing needs for the aging population. There needs to be more treatment centers built for the older generations. Also there should be marketing campaign for health insurance so that older people can know the type of health care that is available for them and prescription plans that are available. There are many of the aging population that does not know where to go or what to do to apply for health insurance. Therefore they should have campaigns that provide them with the resources they need to accommodate them. Addressing challenges. The communities with senior centers and hold health fairs and bring in different health professional to answer the questions and concerns the elderly has. The government can develop better health insurance program that can help the aging population with preventive, wellness and chronic condition treatments. The patients can make sure they are aware of the resources that are available for treatment. Also take patients can use preventive care programs so they can maintain their health. In Conclusion, there are many of the aging population that can be involved in managing their own health through organizations that offer preventive care for their conditions. It is only a matter of finding the right resources that will help them. Many of the older population do not have health care but there are many government programs that will allow them to get the help they need. Although the aging population will keep growing over time, the society can help them maintain their health so they can stop healthcare cost from growing at such an alarming rate.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Computer Crimes Essay -- Security

Computer Crimes Computer crimes are a major issue in the world today. They are taken place in people’s home, office, and in lots of places. A person should be very cautious about the type of personal information that they enter on there someone else’s computer as well as there own. These things could come back to haunt you in the future. Criminal activity where a computer or network is the source, target, place or tool of a crime is what we call computer crime. Some other terms for computer crime are cybercime, e-crime, hi-tech crime, and electronic crime. None of these categories are exclusive and many activities can be characterized as falling in one or more category. Even though it states that the computer crime is when something takes place when the computer or network is a necessary part of the crime, there are some terms that are used to include traditional crimes. Some of the traditional crimes are fraud, theft, blackmail, forgery, and embezzlement when the computers or networks are used to facilitate the illicit activity. There are a lot of different criminal activities that can be considered computer crime. Some examples of these activities are misuse of devices, forgery (theft id), electronic fraud, illegal access (unauthorized access), Trojan horses, cyberterrorism, email abuse/harassment, and data interference (unauthorized damaging, deletion, deterioration, alteration or suppression of computer data) are just a few. Forgery is a computer crime that can be perpetrated using the hardware components of the computer without the usage of the internet. For example, using Microsoft Word to type my signature when I did not actually right it and neither did you but it is still a computer crime that you committed. A Trojan... ...laint center, dubbed IC3, compiles its figures by drawing on the flood of complaints pouring into U.S. law enforcement and regulatory agencies. Results show that the most reported crime was Internet auction fraud which ranked 45 percent of all complaings. Another big percentage of complaints was non delivery of merchandise or payment which had a big 19 percent. Computer crimes are definitely on the rise. They are something that everyone who owns or even works on a computer should be careful of. There are a lot of crooked people out here in this world and everyone should take caution. You should also take caution when entering personal information on any computer. References:

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

High School Drop out Rate Essay

Analysts agree that the rate of high school dropout in the United States has reached catastrophic levels. Credible estimates claim that more than a third of all students that join high school are likely to abandon school before completion. A look at the past decades indicates that this has been a growing trend and is yet to be arrested appropriately. This is a problem that has not been captured in the public glare due to scarcity if data. This paper will provide the available statistics on the rate of high school dropouts; provide an analysis of the possible causes and remedies. Different publications contain valid rates of dropouts; this is because of the existing differences in the definition of a dropout. There are those that graduate after completing the high school syllabus, others that graduate after completing an equivalency test of the same and those that graduate after passing other states based tests. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) compiles its data using either the event rates, status rates or the cohert rates. Events rates refer to the number of students that drop out of school annually while the status rate takes into account the total number of students that have cumulatively dropped out of school as a proportion of the total population. (National Institute on the Education of At Risks Students, 2006) Indicative reports have it that the rate of school dropout from the 1970s to the 1990s recorded a steady decline; however the rates have stabilized from the 90s to date recording an insignificant improvement. A look at the 1999 and the 2000 reports indicate that 5% of all students that had joined high school in the respective years dropped out within a year. This is in according to the available education department’s event dropout rates. The status dropout rates for 2000 indicate that â€Å"some 3. 8 million young adults were not enrolled in a high school program and had not completed high school. † (National Center for Education Statistics). Other available statistics on the dropout rates focus on the differences between gender and the racial groups. They have indicated that 5. 8% of male students are more likely to dropout compared to whose dropout rate is 4. 3%. The gender disparities in the dropout rate are witnessed across all the ethnic and racial groups with male students being the most affected. The dropout rate for the minority groups has remained higher than that of white Americans. The Latinos lead the group of the minorities with a rate of 27. 5%; African Americans have 13. 6% while the whites have a dropout rate of 7. 9%. This is according to the 1993 survey although these rates have remained fairly constant since then. (National Institute on the Education of At Risk Students, 1996) Having looked at the existing statistics, it is important to look at the reasons behind these statistics. There exists immense research on the causes of high school dropouts but it is important to point out that they focus on a variety of issues depending on the discipline. The ethnographic studies for example may focus on the issues of minorities and the social causes of their dropout. Attempts therefore to establish the specific factors are impeded by the existence of â€Å"a large variety of factors that predict or influence dropout behaviors, ranging from family background to school characteristics. † (Richard, 2002, 120) Scholars however have observed that students drop out of schools either after being ‘pushed out’ by the school environment or after being ‘pulled away’ by factors beyond the school curriculum. (Jay W. , 1999). A survey conducted on the various reasons behind the high school drop out rates revolve around vague reasons such boring classes and hard exams. These though are the pointer towards the major factors that contribute towards high school dropout rates. The causes range from academic challenges, economic, social and personal reasons One of the major ‘push out’ cause of dropout of high school can be traced to the various schools’ requirements to undertake an exit exam as the precondition for graduation. A look at the United States reveals that most states have put forth a requirement for a standardized test to mark the graduation of students from high school. Exit exams were adopted to enable states to standardize their tests and upgrade their diplomas. Where the merits of these exams have been widely noted, criticism has been leveled against them alleging that they exert too much pressure on the high school students. The basic purpose of exit exams is to ensure that the quality of the diploma is maintained, today however it is being seen as pushing students out of school, â€Å"these critics rely upon the push-out-myth- the idea that requiring students to pass exit exams forces students to drop out of high school. † (Jay P. , 2006, 127). The conclusion that stringent exam requirement may push students out of school has been reached after examining performance records and transcripts belonging to those that have dropped out. Studies have pointed out a streak of dismal performance by most of them indicating a sense of hopelessness on the drop outs. Some students have blamed the dismal performance on the lack of motivation by their teachers. Another possible cause of school dropout is peer influence. Peers are an important component to the development of an individual and also as socialization agents. It has been established that the influence of the family to the life of adolescents is fast waning and its place taken over by peers. The issue of how peers influence school drop out rate is broad and has been found to be an important factor. School dropouts have claimed to have been influenced by their peers to quit schools especially for those that had non schooling friends. This is so as peer influence has been found to either be a source of motivation or discouragement. This has been problematic as most of these have plunged into the crime world led by their peers. Working students also find it hard to cope with both tasks and most have even been found to give up education in the belief that they will resume later. Unsupportive parents have also been known to lead their children out of schools due to lack of moral support. Just like there is no single cause behind the high rates of school dropouts, there is no single remedy for the problem. It requires a multifaceted approach that incorporates both students and the teachers. It has been found that most students drop out of schools to escape the taxing nature of academics and exams. While it is not prudent to change the existing exams, it would be appropriate to put measures to ensure that the tests would not be an excuse to drive students out of school. As Marvin (2003, 215) has pointed out, â€Å"states should look for more ways to identify students at risk and consider instituting or adapting existing programs to support students before they drop out. † The best approach hence would be to incorporate a support program to help students cope with the rising challenges. This should include providing extra school tutoring and retake programs for students that perform dismally in the first attempts. This should also include introducing changes to the academic programs to ensure that they are more responsive and relevant to the student lives. The government also should roll out programs that aim towards sensitizing students on the need to stay in school. A number of factors that contribute to high rates of school dropout are social-psychological meaning that they can be eradicated through creation of awareness and general counseling. It is also important to involve students in the process of policy making to ensure that their expectations and views are incorporated and hence make them feel that they have a bigger stake in the school programs. Indeed there much has to be done to reduce the number of students that fail to complete their high school. The dropout rates indicated above are worrisome. More also needs to be done to bridge the dropout disparities across the racial groups. Students should be sensitized on the dangers of dropping out of schools especially as they are exposing themselves to the risks of unemployment as well as crime.

Monday, January 6, 2020

There Has Been A Growing Gap Between The Rich And Poor

There has been a growing gap between the rich and poor in the world today. This is also known as economic inequality which consists of disproportions in the distribution of income and wealth between rich and the poor. This essay will look into two articles, firstly it will analyze the disparity of wealth between rich and poor in United States. This essay will also try to explain why there is so much inequality by using different sociological theories. According to the Bloomberg (2017) article the gap between the rich and poor in US is widening, the report states, â€Å"the difference in annual income between households in the top 20 percent and those in the bottom 20 percent -- ballooned by $29,200 to $189,600 between 2010 and 2015, based on†¦show more content†¦Whereas a person born in a poor family will struggle to get quality college degree because that person does not have enough money to go to a university. This again shows the differences in social class and what can be archived. Another good example would be nannies. Most of the rich families pay low wages to them when they take care of families’ children. Same thing applies to gardeners who look after the flower gardens or maids who pick and clean laundries. They have no means to move ahead in life meaning they cannot be successful because they earn low wages and depend on paycheck to paycheck lifestyle to survive where there is not much savings. This system of class stratification has been continuing from generations, those who have been born into a wealthier family are supposed to have more chance of getting better education and health and having a head start over society, that remains in the lesser part of wealth. Disparity shadows generation to generation. Moving on, functionalist s theory is constructed on meritocracy and that its functions are education, occupation, income, high and low achievements. â€Å"The meritocracy argument states that those who get ahead in society do so based on their own merit†. (Carls 2013. Pp 31) Functionalist says that we all can climb the ladder which is based upon our accomplishments. As this theory is based on rewards such as higher jobs which means equally higherShow MoreRelatedThe Context Of Growing Economic Interdependence1672 Words   |  7 Pagescontext of growing economic interdependence (globalisation); inequality is both growing within and between nations. In turn, analysing the following the following statement that â€Å"Inequality can undermine economic, social and perhaps even political stability. It can tear the very fabric that holds society together. We now have firm evidence that a severely skewed income distribution harms the pace and sustainability of growth over the longer term. 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